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Nursery / Dosbarth Meithrin

Welcome to Nursery / Croeso i'r Dosbarth Meithrin


Small hands can change the world

The Nursery Team / Tim y Dosbarth Meithrin

The Nursery teacher is Mrs Sam Goddard

The teaching assistants are:

Ms Libby Thomas

Miss Jasmine Cribbett

Mrs Emma Owens

Mrs Maria Rayass

We have a capacity of 80 children at Lakeside Nursery. In each session 40 children attend, supervised by one teacher and three teaching assistants.

Times / Amseroedd

Morning session: 9.00am - 11.30am
Afternoon Session: 12.45pm - 3.15pm

Snacks / Byrbrydau

The children will be offered a daily snack of fruit or vegetables, with milk or water to drink. The cost is £1.20 per week, which can be paid for the full year, termly or half termly.

Snack Money for 2024/2025


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Tuesday 10th September

Friday 27th October  


(7 weeks)


Monday 4thNovember

Friday 20th December  


(7 weeks)


Monday 6thJanuary

Friday 21st February 


(7 weeks)


Monday 3rd March

Friday 11th April


(6 weeks)


Monday 28thApril

Friday 23rd  May 


(4 weeks)


Monday 2nd  June

Friday 18th July 


(7 weeks)



Total amount for the year: £45.80

Could you please pay in cash if possible, and we will provide you with a receipt.

Please note, if you are unable to pay in full for the year, you can pay termly or half termly.

** It is helpful for staff if the money is sent in a sealed envelope, with your child’s name and the amount paid written clearly on the outside **

Starting Nursery / Dechrau yn y Dosbarth Meithrin

Useful information for starting Nursery

Please ensure that your child is wearing sensible clothing which is labelled with their name. (i.e. sun hat or wellies, waterproof coat.) Nursery jumpers and cardigans are available to buy from YC Sports on Crwys Road.

It would help your child if they are able to use the toilet independently and wash their hands.

Please ensure that the nursery staff are aware of any medical issues e.g allergies, asthma.

There will be a healthy snack each day, so there is no need for children to bring food with them.

Nursery is stocked with plenty of lovely toys. Please keep all special toys at home.

The safety of your child is of paramount importance to us. We would ask that you choose a password that you and anybody who is picking up your child can use.  Please inform the Nursery staff if someone different is picking your child up from nursery.

What and How we learn / Beth a Sut yr ydym yn dysgu

Learning Projects

Autumn 1 - How Many Colours in a Rainbow?

Autumn 2 - Exploring Autumn

Spring 1 - Starry Night

Spring 2 - Once Upon a Time

Summer 1 - Are Eggs Alive?

Summer 2 - Build it up

Library books

The children will choose a library book to bring home every Wednesday. We will provide a manila folder for each child, but you may wish to purchase a green Lakeside book folder through parent pay at a cost of £4.50. Could you please send their reading folder to school every Wednesday. Thank you.

The Curriculum for Wales consists of What Matters Statements which are found within these Six Areas of Learning: 

Expressive Arts (this spans five disciplines: art, dance, drama, film and digital media and music)

Health and Wellbeing (this includes PE)

Humanities (this area encompasses geography; history; religion, values and ethics; business studies and social studies)

Languages, Literacy and Communication (which aims to support learning across the whole curriculum and to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills in Welsh, English and international languages as well as in literature)

Maths and Numeracy 

Science and Technology This area draws on the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, design and technology, and physics to enhance learners’ knowledge and understanding of the world.

These are carefully planned within a broad and balanced curriculum.

Literacy & Reading 

Regular letters and sounds activities, e.g. environmental sounds, listening-walk etc

Nursery Rhymes and songs on the carpet at end of the day (voted for by pupils - pupil voice)

Star groups: Developing speaking and listening skills

Teacher/TA reads a story to the class at least twice a week (voted for by pupils - pupil voice)

Letter sound of the week throughout the year - revisited regularly

Weekly library books go home from October.

January - assessment of letter sound recognition - lilac reading books go home weekly with children who have appropriate letter sound recognition, together with HFW words. These children read with teacher/TA once a week. Where appropriate, children are benchmarked later in the year and given a red book if they are ready.  

Letters and sounds games for children whose letter sound recognition is developing well but not sufficient to have a reading book (e.g. SATPIN board game)

Welsh: Helpwr Heddiw session daily, in which the teacher chooses a helper to assist with Welsh games, vocabulary and commands for that day

Maths & Numeracy

Resources used include: Numicon - Oxford Owl scheme; Smartboard and practical activities linked to learning projects.

Range of physical resources e.g. Numicon, multi-link, counting items etc. to develop their visual and pictorial learning skills.

Millie Mouse - financial maths

Health & Wellbeing

Weekly Jigsaw sessions

World mental health day - colour monster/emojis

Thrive where appropriate

Outdoor learning - autumn/spring walk; coloured mud painting; planting vegetables in garden. 

Star groups - Talking about ourselves and our families

We have a sensory room for the children to access where appropriate.

Science & Technology

We teach science and technology through most of our Learning Projects. 

Science: Skittles colour experiment; magnetic/non magnetic materials; making gingerbread men; keeping caterpillars and sequencing lifecycle; planting sunflowers and vegetables - daily watering and harvesting vegetables; sorting materials - rough/smooth; hard/soft 

Tech: Building houses for three little pigs; building a tall tower with wooden blocks and shaving foam/boxes etc; making a card with a moving part

Digital Skills: We use digital technology through all our learning projects, for example:

Drawing program; Chatterpix app; remote control cars; interpreting pictograms of class role play votes. 

Humanities (Geography, History, Religious Education)

Geography is taught through our learning projects and on specific themed days, for example: 

Autumn walk and litter pick (our effect on the world around us and the creatures that share our planet) 

Shwmae day - Welsh dragons/flags; Chinese New Year celebrations; Welsh Week; 

History is taught through our Learning projects, and through Jigsaw activities, e.g.

Lifecycle of caterpillar linked to how we change and grow; Jigsaw activities - families/growing

Religious Education: We learn about different religious celebrations and how they are celebrated. 

Diwali, Christmas, Chinese new Year, Easter, Hanukkah, Eid

Expressive Arts (Art, Music, Dance, Drama)

Art: Colour mixing with powder paints; Autumn artwork (including collage); digital artwork for calendars; Ernest Zoble; coloured mud painting outdoors; huff puff painting

Music: Letters and sounds activities - making different sounds with musical instruments (loud/quiet; long/short etc); lots of singing, often incorporating makaton signing

PE sessions

Retelling of owl babies and Three Little Pigs - acting/puppet show/Chatterpix; role-play area chosen by children


Communication and helping at home / Cyfathrebu a helpu

The communication tool Seesaw is used to share group and individual activities with parents/carers.

Some children take home a scheme reading book following reading assessments in January. These are sent out on a weekly basis

Staff meet and dismiss children at the door each day and parents have an opportunity to speak to staff then or vice versa. Staff & parents also communicate by phone call or email, as necessary.

Sharing with parents/carers / Rhannu gyda rhieni/gofalwyr

In addition to Parent Consultations during the school year, parents/carers are also welcomed to school to enjoy their children sharing songs and music at Christmas and at Easter - with an Easter Bonnet Parade and a singsong.

Parent consultations are held in October and March/April. These are organised as stay and play sessions so that parents can join their children for a 30-40 minute session and speak to TAs as well as meeting with the teacher.

Stay and Play after school for new starters (parents and children) are held in July, December & March.

Initial visits for new Nursery pupils take place in September, December and March.   

Learning Areas / Mannau Dysgu

Classroom Areas

Creative corner, writing table, reading corner, maths area, role play, discovery area, small-world area, construction area; fine motor area

Intervention Spaces

Sensory room and cloakroom - used for Wellcomm interventions, star groups, some letters and sounds activities


Regular focus tasks take place outdoors, e.g. messy colour mixing, Autumn and Spring walks, coloured mud painting; Autumn and Spring walks in school grounds.

Nursery Celebrations / Dathliadau

In Nursery we celebrate all types of events. Last year we celebrated

  • St Davids Day
  • Easter
  • Chinese New Year
  • Christmas
  • Eid

Reading in Nursery / Darllen i blant Meithrin

In Nursery we enjoy reading all sorts of books, from story time to big story sack sessions.  We have a book corner where children can enjoy reading and looking at books. 

From October, we also have weekly library books that the children choose, to take home and share with their parents. 
Green book bags can be bought from the school office for £4.00. 

Please share your library book with your child and talk to them about the content and characters etc.
Did your child like the story?
What was their favourite part?
Does your child know what the story is called?
Please return the reading folder every Wednesday.

Visit your local library to share books of their choice.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Goddard and the Nursery Team


  • The Numtums
    Join in with the Numtums and learn about numbers from 1 to 10.

  • CEOP
    Internet Safety