Wellbeing Class
Welcome to the Lakeside Wellbeing Class
The Wellbeing class arrival times are between 9:30a.m. and 9:50a.m. All children will be offered breakfast at 10:00a.m. every morning. The departure times are between 2:10p.m and 2:30p.m. For further information please read the Wellbeing Transition Document.
Information will be regularly sent on SeeSaw (please ask the class teacher for a QR code).
The Wellbeing Team
The Class Teachers are:
Mr M. Haines & Mrs S. Hart
Our Teaching Assistants are:
Mrs Nia Sherman, Miss A. Corley, Mrs J. Jones &Ms Asma Zia
Lunch & Snack
Your child will need a packed lunch or you can order a school lunch via ParentPay.
Every day, they will need to bring a bottle of water and a piece of fruit (or veg) for their snack. If they bring small fruit such as grapes or cherry tomatoes, for their safety, please could these be chopped in half.
Due to there being children with allergies across the school, please also remember that there are to be
NO NUTS brought into school. This includes any foods that contain nuts such as peanut butter, Nutella / chocolate spreads, cereal bars etc.
Links to two stories:
https://vimeo.com/732113293 - Marvin Gets Mad
https://vimeo.com/732113616 - The Colour Monster