Parentmail 14.6.24
Dear Parents/Carers,
A HUGE thank you to parent Rhys Thomas, his dad and his team for making holes in our playground (at our invitation!) for our new netball and basketball posts – your time, cement, equipment and willingness to help are much appreciated! Thanks to the PTA for paying for all the posts, goals and new sports equipment, and in particular to Charlotte Taylor, who co-ordinated it all, and joined another volunteer for the dreaded job of sorting the PE cupboard! Thanks also to Mr Carey and even more parent-volunteers for putting together the ball cages for storage in the PE cupboard and the wonderful basketball nets and backboards. I’m delighted to report that when the sun came out today pupils delightedly played basketball – very well in some cases – another team perhaps?!
Today (Friday) is Day of Welcome, prior to Refugee Week next week. Pupils enjoyed various associated activities throughout the day, including live events of stories and items about Day of Welcome. Our School Council have made a video to welcome new pupils to Lakeside. This is based on a welcome letter they wrote. You can view the video here: Thank you to the School Council members for all their hard work on this.
Eid ul-Adha
We wish all families who are celebrating Eid ul-Adha early next week a pleasant and enjoyable celebration! Thank you for our lovely hamper of treats – the staff are delighted!
Lions Football Tournament – tomorrow (Saturday 15th June 10am – 1pm)
The Lions Football Tournament takes place at Lakeside tomorrow – all are welcome to come and watch two Lakeside teams, and many others. Special thanks to Mr Carey’s sister, who works at Morrisons and has provided drinks and snacks for sale at the event. Good luck Lakeside, and many thanks to all involved.
RSE lessons
RSE (Relationships and Sexuality Education) lessons will be taking place this half term. Below is a link to the lesson overviews for each year group's RSE curriculum which will be taught this half term.
A set of resources for each year group has been made available in the school office for anyone who wishes to view them – there have been no changes to these from last year.
PTA News
- PTA Plant Sale
Thank you for all your lovely seedling and plant donations for the PTA sale today. It was touch-and-go weather-wise for a while but I’m so glad it went ahead – there were lovely stalls of plants and crafts and it was very popular. Thanks again to the PTA for all their hard work.
- Summer Fayre – Friday 5th July (after school)
With the Summer Fayre just over three weeks away we are looking for volunteers to help set up, run the stalls on rotation and clear up at the end. Please can anyone able to help get in touch. We are also looking for businesses/companies who would be willing to sponsor the Fayre in any way. Thank you!
To contact the PTA, here is a link to join their Whatsapp group: or email
NFL Flag Football – Taster Days
We have received information from Connor Jones at Cardiff Met about NFL Flag Football Taster Days. Please see the attached if your child is aged 9 or over and interested in attending one of the sessions.
Welsh activities
As we are working towards our Silver Award in the Cymraeg Campus scheme, here’s a reminder of the fun activities that pupils and families can take part in. If and when you complete an activity please share photos/videos with Criw Cymraeg on
A grid of the activities is attached. Thank you!
Additional Inset Day
We have scheduled an additional Inset Day which will take place on Friday 19th July. This means that the last day of term for pupils will be Thursday 18th July.
Lost Property
Please see the Lost Property section of the website for photos of unlabelled items and contact school if you recognise anything. Thank you.
Wishing you all a pleasant weekend.
Best wishes,
Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher
Upcoming events / Term dates
June 2024
- Friday 28th June – Foundation Phase Sports Day @ NIAC 9-11.45am
- Friday 28th June – Lakeside Netball match at home against Marlborough Primary
July 2024
- Tuesday 2nd July - Year 2 Trip to Cosmeston
- Tuesday 2nd July – Nursery Sports Day
- Thursday 4th July – Reception talk for new Reception parent/carers
- Friday 5th July – KS2 Sports Day @ NIAC 9-11.45am
- Friday 5th July - PTA Summer Fayre
- Wednesday 10th July – Year 6 Leavers’ performance
- Thursday 11th July – Lakeside Transition Day
- Thursday 11th July – CHS Transition Day 1
- Thursday 11th July – Reception Stay and Play
- Friday 12th July – CHS Transition Day 2
- Friday 12th July – Year 5 visit to Oakwood Park
- Wednesday 17th July – Grand Opening of the Ty Bronwen Wellbeing Pod
- Friday 19th July – INSET DAY
- Monday 22nd July – INSET DAY
Term dates
2023-2024 academic year
Last Day of term |
Thursday 18th July |
Friday 19th July |
Monday 22nd July |
Autumn Term 2024
Monday 2nd September, 2024 |
Tuesday 3rd September, 2024 |